Chinese Lessons
After a few months of slacking, I finally started taking Mandarin lessons last month. Luke and I get a private tutor once a week to come and teach us the basics of the language.
We're picking up some everyday vocabulary, and we're beginning to learn BoPoMoFo, a method for writing the sounds of Mandarin phonetically. So far, we haven't learned enough to express ourselves as well as we'd like, but we are making a lot of progress. I can ask simple questions like "What is this?" "How much does this cost?" "What is your name/age/phone number?" and "I don't understand." In other words, I speak about as much Chinese as my most basic classes speak English.
It is nice even knowing a little, and I am excited about learning, but I definitely have a long way to go. I will hopefully be getting a Chinese name soon, so I'll be sure to share that once I decide what it will be.
We're picking up some everyday vocabulary, and we're beginning to learn BoPoMoFo, a method for writing the sounds of Mandarin phonetically. So far, we haven't learned enough to express ourselves as well as we'd like, but we are making a lot of progress. I can ask simple questions like "What is this?" "How much does this cost?" "What is your name/age/phone number?" and "I don't understand." In other words, I speak about as much Chinese as my most basic classes speak English.
It is nice even knowing a little, and I am excited about learning, but I definitely have a long way to go. I will hopefully be getting a Chinese name soon, so I'll be sure to share that once I decide what it will be.
Hey Joe- how is recovery from the MoPed accident coming? I hatet to tell you but those wounds were not that bad - man up dude!
I can hardly wait to hear your new Chinese name - please try to get a cool one - you know, something that doesn't sound like silverware being tossed down the basement steps.
Glad to hear all is going well - we miss you.
Ahaha. Yeah, the wounds were minor abrasions. The worst part now is that my pus and bloody arm sticks to my sheets like velcro. Don't tell uncle jie twe, because that's where he'll have to sleep.
Maybe "Pus-Pus" can be your Chinese name?
Uncle Matt
PS Sorry I won't be able to sleep in the pus bed like Uncle CL.
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