Sunday, September 16, 2007


Well, I've been abroad for three months now, and have been in Taiwan for almost two. It seems like longer, but it's really just the beginning. In three months I've lived in a couple of different countries, learned bits of a few different languages, ate all kinds of new foods, and met a whole lot of cool and interesting people. I have started a new job, and am working on making this place my home.

I am actually starting to feel more at home here. Even though I am still illiterate, and can speak slightly less Mandarin than a Taiwanese two-year old, I am beginning to feel less out of place. It will be a long and hard process I'm sure, but having a place to call home and a growing network of friends and associates is making the transition easier. I am also glad that I at least speak English. I can't imagine what it would be like to come here knowing only Russian or Spanish or Swahili or something. At least English is studied by enough people to make it easy for me to get by.

I was however, feeling kind of nostalgic for American stuff today, so I jumped on my scooter and headed over to the local McDonald's for lunch. Big Mac, fries, and just to add a little Asian flare, an iced tea. Then I went and signed up for a Blockbuster Video account. I miss Netflix a lot. Millions of DVDs to chose from, all kinds of films from the classic to the esoteric, and TV shows to boot. The local Blockbuster has an decent selection of new Western DVDs, but I'll still have to find a way to watch my shows from back home.


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